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Chad Doerman Video Unedited Bodycam Raw on Twitter, Reddit

WATCH: Chad Doerman Video Unedited Bodycam Raw on Twitter, Reddit:- On June 18, 2023, a shocking video of Chad Doerman’s arrest went viral on social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit. The video showed the unedited bodycam footage of the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office deputies who responded to a 911 call from Chad Doberman’s wife, who reported that he had killed their three sons, aged 11, 9, and 7.

The video captured the chilling moments when the deputies confronted Doberman outside his home in Monroe Township, Ohio, where he appeared calm and indifferent to the horrific crime he had allegedly committed. The video also revealed the gruesome scene inside the house, where the deputies found the bodies of the three boys with multiple gunshot wounds.

The video sparked outrage and disbelief among the viewers, who demanded justice for the innocent victims and accountability for the perpetrator. The video also raised questions about the motives and mental state of Doberman, who was reportedly suffering from depression and financial problems. The video also highlighted the challenges and risks faced by law enforcement officers who deal with such violent and unpredictable situations.

In this article, we will examine the details and implications of the Chad Doberman video unedited Reddit, and how it has affected the community and society at large.

The Background of the Case

According to the authorities and media reports, Chad Doerman, 32, was a former Marine who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He had been married to his wife, Jennifer Doberman, for 13 years, and they had three sons: Tyler, 11, Jacob, 9, and Noah, 7. The family lived in a modest house in Monroe Township, a rural area in Clermont County, Ohio.

Doerman had been working as a security guard at a local hospital, but he had recently lost his job due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He had also been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts for several years, and he had been prescribed medication for his condition. However, he had stopped taking his medication a few weeks before the incident.

On June 18, 2023, around 8 a.m., Chad Doerman called his wife at her workplace and told her that he had killed their sons. He also told her that he was going to kill himself. Jennifer immediately called 911 and reported what her husband had said. She also told the dispatcher that Chad Doberman had access to several firearms in their house.

The Clermont County Sheriff’s Office dispatched several deputies to the scene, along with a SWAT team and a negotiator. They arrived at the house around 8:15 a.m., where they saw Doerman sitting on a porch swing with a handgun in his hand. The deputies ordered him to drop the weapon and surrender, but he refused to comply. He also told them that he had rigged the house with explosives and that he would detonate them if they approached.

The deputies tried to negotiate with Chad for about an hour, but he remained defiant and uncooperative. He also made several statements indicating that he had no remorse for killing his sons and that he wanted to die. He also claimed that he had killed his sons because they were “evil” and that he was doing God’s will.

Around 9:15 a.m., Chad Doerman suddenly got up from the porch swing and ran towards his car parked in the driveway. He tried to get inside the car, but one of the deputies tackled him and wrestled him to the ground. The other deputies quickly joined in and subdued him. They searched him and found another handgun in his waistband. They also searched his car and found several more firearms and ammunition.

The deputies then entered the house and found the bodies of Tyler, Jacob, and Noah in different rooms. They had all been shot multiple times in the head and chest. The deputies also found several notes written by Doerman on various surfaces in the house, such as walls, doors, mirrors, and furniture. The notes contained rambling messages about God, Satan, sinners, judgment day, and other religious topics.

The deputies did not find any explosives or booby traps in the house.

The Aftermath of the Case

Chad Doerman was arrested and taken to a hospital for evaluation. He was later charged with three counts of aggravated murder with death penalty specifications. He pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity at his arraignment on June 21, 2023. He is currently being held without bond at the Clermont County Jail.

Jennifer Doerman was devastated by the loss of her sons and the betrayal of her husband. She released a statement through her attorney, expressing her grief and disbelief. She also thanked the law enforcement officers and the community for their support and prayers. She requested privacy and respect as she mourned her sons and prepared for the legal process.

The community was shocked and saddened by the tragedy, and many people expressed their condolences and solidarity with Jennifer Doerman. Several vigils and fundraisers were organized to honor the memory of the three boys and to help Jennifer Doberman with the funeral and legal expenses. The boys’ school, Monroe Elementary, also held a memorial service and provided counseling for the students and staff.

The video of Chad Doerman’s arrest was released by the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office on June 19, 2023, as part of their public records policy. The video was uploaded on their official website and YouTube channel, where it quickly went viral. The video was also shared on various social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit, where it generated thousands of views, comments, and reactions.

The video provoked a strong response from the viewers, who expressed their shock, anger, sadness, and disgust at Doerman’s actions and demeanor. Many viewers also praised the deputies for their professionalism and bravery in handling the situation. Some viewers also criticized the deputies for not shooting Doerman when he ran towards his car, arguing that he deserved to die for killing his sons. Others defended the deputies, saying that they followed the proper protocol and that they did not want to risk triggering any explosives or harming any bystanders.

The video also sparked a broader discussion about the issues of domestic violence, mental health, gun control, and law enforcement in society. Some viewers pointed out the warning signs of Chad Doberman’s mental instability and questioned why he was not treated or monitored more closely. Others highlighted the need for more resources and support for victims of domestic violence and their children. Some viewers also debated the role of guns in such tragedies and whether stricter regulations or background checks could have prevented Doberman from acquiring so many firearms. Others argued that guns were not the problem, but rather the people who misuse them.

The video also raised questions about the role of law enforcement in such situations and whether they are adequately trained and equipped to deal with them. Some viewers praised the deputies for their courage and skill in resolving the standoff without any casualties. Others questioned whether they could have done more to prevent or stop Doberman from killing his sons. Some viewers also wondered how the deputies cope with the emotional and psychological impact of witnessing such horrors.


The Chad Doerman video unedited on Reddit is a disturbing and tragic document that captures a horrific crime and its aftermath. The video has had a profound effect on the community and society at large, eliciting a range of emotions and opinions from the viewers. The video has also exposed some of the underlying problems and challenges that face our society, such as domestic violence, mental health, gun control, and law enforcement. The video has also prompted us to reflect on our values and responsibilities as human beings, as well as our hopes and fears for the future.
