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Where is Brandon Swanson? Some Facts and Theories

The 19-year-old Brandon Swanson, on May 13, 2008, finished his first year at Minnesota West Community and Technical College. Later that same evening, he and his friends celebrated at home in Canby, where they also had a send-off party for one of their classmates.

According to eyewitness statements, there were drinks at the party, and Swanson had at least one shot of whiskey. However, as The True Crime Files published, Swanson’s friends said he “did not appear to be intoxicated” when he left the party just after midnight on May 14. Swanson reportedly intended to drive from Canby to reach his parents’ home in Marshall. The distance should have taken about 30 minutes.

At around 1:15 a.m., Swanson’s car got stuck in a ditch. He initially tried to call his friends for help. However, nobody received his calls. At around 1:54 a.m., Swanson called his parents and informed them his car was severely stuck in a ditch off a gravel road. However, he was not completely sure of his location.  

During the call, Swanson convinced his parents he was not injured and would wait with his car. However, when Brian and Annette Swanson reached their son’s mentioned location, they could not see him or his car.  

Brandon and his parents consented to flash their headlights in a try to find each other. Sadly, they still could not see each other. 

Brandon Swanson Was On The Call With His Father When He Disappeared

Brandon Swanson said he could see flashes in the distance, which he thought were coming from the town of Lynd. He told his parents it is convenient for him to walk the rest of the path and join them in a Lynd tavern parking lot.

The father, Brian, said he was on the call with his son while he was walking. Swanson intended to take a shortcut through some areas instead of waiting on the main road. During the call, he informed his father he passed some fences and gravel roads. He could also overhear water flowing in the distance.

Brian said he and his son was on call for about 47 minutes before Brandon shouted, “Oh s***!,” and abruptly dropped the call. Brian said, “There was nothing after that.” Brian thinks his son may have slid and fallen. 

Brian and Annette tried to call their son back many times. However, their calls were never answered. By the following day, the rings were going straight to voicemail. Brian and Annette, the Brandson parents, continued driving around looking for their son, but they did not see any hints of him or his vehicle.

At 6:30 a.m., they requested authorities to register a missing person’s report. However, sources said to wait, as it is common for men of his age to avoid communicating with their parents.

Brandon Swanson’s Car Was Found but not Him

Officials started their search for Swanson quickly before noon. At around 12:30 p.mHis Chevrolet Lumina was located in a ditch on the borders of Lincoln and Yellow Medicine. Lincoln County Sheriff Jack Vizecky stated the vehicle was placed so that Swanson would not get any traction to come out of the ditch. However, there was no apparent damage to the car and no indications that Swanson was hurt in the occurrence.

In the months following his disappearance, law enforcement personnel and volunteers searched the area on foot, on horseback, and using all-terrain vehicles. They also used search dogs and scoured various bodies of water. Sadly, no evidence of the disappeared guy was ever got.

The search dogs headed their handlers to the edge of Yellow Medicine River, which made authorities think that Swanson likely slipped into the water.

Brandon Swanson Disappearance Theories:

Brandon Swanson disappearance has emerged some theories which are mentioned below

Officials Believe Brandon Swanson Fell Into A River and Made it back out 

As the river was examined and Brandon Swanson’s body was never recovered, officials think he made it back out of the water and resumed walking. However, he possibly died of hypothermia, as the temperature was just under 40 degrees that morning. They do not consider foul play was involved.

The search dogs also pointed out there were human body parts near Mud Creek, north of Porter. However, officials never really discovered any remains.

Officials said Swanson could be anyplace inside a 122-square-mile area. After the ten years of Swanson vanished, Yellow Medicine County Sheriff Bill Flated stated, “It’s a huge area. If you take that immediate area where the car was and then the time frame when he was talking on the phone with his parents, who knows what direction he went and how far he traveled?

The theory that suggested he slipped into the water, and either made it back out or drowned, has also been not approved and criticized, as his phone appeared to be working after the call with his father was disconnected. Minnesota’s statements that if the phone were sunk in the water, all calls would have gone straight to voicemail. Although it is believable that the phone dropped on the ground while Swanson slipped in the water, it was never discovered near any of the bodies of water in the region.

Volunteer Firefighter Darrin E. Delzer Theory

Volunteer firefighter Darrin E. Delzer stated he has a different theory about what happened to Swanson, based on various happenings he felt about the case. Delzer said Swanson was legally blind from his left eye and always used glasses. However, on the morning he went disappeared, he forgot to take his glasses from his car.

Delzer also noted that Swanson said, “Not another fence,” just before saying, “Oh s***.” Delzer proposed that the teen may have slipped into an unmarked cistern or, well, normal in rural areas.

Brandon Swanson had some Mental Breakdown.

Another theory suggested that Swanson may have had some sort of mental collapse. However, his parents both said he looked clear when they talked with him on the phone, and he did not have any records of mental disorder.

Brandon Swanson Planned his oDisappearance.

Another theory explains Brandon Swanson may have planned his own disappearance. It is likely that the teen left the area independently and is now living under a new name. However, it is not expected. As he had tried to call his fellows and was trying to reach his parents, it was far more likely that he desired to be located.

Brandon Swanson’s disappearance mystery has not been resolved yet after 13 years of his disappearance. There were many speculations as he may have found shelter in an abandoned building, he fell into the river and made it back out or he planned his disappearance. Still, nothing seems to be authentic neither his body nor his personal belongings were ever discovered.
